FunShop 2019

The American Martial Arts Institute held its annual Martial Arts Program for 6-12 year olds, called the FunShop, on April 16 and 17 during the children's Spring Break from school. Each day was filled with a variety of structured activities geared towards martial arts training, education, and fun, led by Grandmaster Crandall and Master Stalloch with assistance from Master Freleigh and Mr. Freleigh. In addition several other black belt instructors and staff attend to assist including: Master Moller, Master Chuff, Mrs. Crandall, Miss Crandall, Mr. Lilley, Mr. Cumings, and the red tops (junior rank black belt class assistants).
Each morning started with a warm-up and stretching class that lasted 15-minutes from 9:00 a.m. to 9:15 a.m. Lunch was from 12:00 p.m. to 1:00 p.m. The primary topics for each day were handed out to the students. Below is the itinerary. Many of the classes were held outside due to the nice weather.
9:15-9:30 Punches: After stretching students will execute punches from a horse stance with ¼ turns,
½ turns, hops, spins, and to different target areas such as high, middle, low, and the sides.
9:30-10:00 Basic Forms: White-Purple Belts will learn/practice basic forms.
Knife Self-Defense: Brown-Black Belts will learn self-defense against knife techniques.
10:00-10:30 Chess Class: Students will learn the rules of chess, demonstrated with large chess set. Those who already know how to play with have 30 minutes to play casual matches.
10:30-11:00 Extension Tool Class: A general overview of all the extension tools used in our school. This topic is often asked on brown belt exams.
11:00-12:00 Self-Defense Class: Students will practice fundamental escapes from grabs including straight across wrist, cross wrist, single lapel, shoulder, and throat grab.
12:00-1:00 Lunch (students may practice chess matches, katas, or read the textbook).

1:00-1:30 Bear Hug and Chokehold Self-Defense Techniques
1:30-2:30 ZOO-MOBILE: The Utica Zoo will be coming and bringing a variety of animals for a presentation.
2:30-3:30 Ninja Water Balloon Wall: Can you defeat the ninjas as they attempt to scale the castle?
3:30-4:30 Sparring Competition: Round 1 and 2 (timed matches)
4:30-5:00 Come-Along Techniques: Students practice the 5 required come-along techniques. Students who don’t know these techniques will learn them. Brown Belts learn the control stages.