Adult Seminar Day 2023The American Martial Arts Institute offers its students opportunities to enhance their training and grow within the Art beyond regular...
Corvettes Keeping Seniors Healthy - ArticleGrandmaster Crandall was recently published in the February 2023 Vette Vues Magazine with his article: "Corvettes Keeping Seniors...
Color Belt Test ResultsResults for the testing held at the American Martial Arts Institute on January 13, 2023 The following students have tested for new rank:...
COLUMN: Bowling has changed much over the yearsClifford Crandall Jr., Sentinel columnist Grandmaster Clifford Crandall Jr. has a message for everyone over age 60: “Get up, get moving,...
The kick-starter: Martial arts grandmaster creates videos to help seniors get activeGrandmaster Clifford Crandall featured in Watertown Daily Times for Still Alive and Kicking. Read the article here
Grandmaster Crandall on Spectrum NewsOn December 22, Spectrum News 1 featured Grandmaster Crandall and our school (American Martial Arts Institute) in a segment called:...