Takenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall Iaido Textbook
The Takenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall Iaido Textbook marks a significant milestone in martial arts literature, preserving the teachings of Headmaster Matsuno and Headmaster Crandall for future generations of students.
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Takenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall Iaido Textbook
By: Kyoshi Nathan Morris and Headmaster Crandall
The American Martial Arts Institute and Takenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall Iaido school are proud to announce the publication and international release of an Iaido Style Textbook by Kyoshi Nathan Morris and Headmaster Clifford Crandall, Jr. The martial arts has historically been passed on from generation to generation by traditional teaching methods and written notes. Fortunately, the written notes often took the form of books that truly allowed the intricacies of a particular style to stay alive in the minds and movements of the students who studied that particular art form. For the students of Takenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall, a three hundred year old samurai sword style, this documentation has now become a reality.
Never before have the teachings of Headmaster Tsuneyoshi Matsuno been documented, nor have the heritage which is taught by his chosen successor, Headmaster Clifford Crandall Jr., been put in written form for the world to see.
“Takenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall Iaido Style and Batto-do Text” written by Kyoshi Nathan Morris and coauthored by Clifford C. Crandall Jr., has become the foundation for this ancient style in the world. This book covers philosophy, katas, postures, history, batto-do, sword parts, muto dori and some of the personal past of the late Headmaster Matsuno.
Chapter I - Tsuneyoshi Matsuno, Late Headmaster
Tsuneyoshi Matsuno, My Late HeadmasterHeadmaster Matsuno’s Points of ImportanceMemories of My Father by Nobuko BoltHeadmaster Crandall’s Path in Iaido
Chapter II - History & Philosophy
HistoryPhilosophy of IaidoThe Eyes of a Student in Martial ArtsBushi no Me (Eyes of a Samurai)What is being a Samurai? What is the Way?
Chapter III - Class Procedures & Uniform
Iaido UniformBowing to the Training Hall/FounderTakenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall Titles and Ranking SystemClass ProceduresOpening Reiho (male)Opening Reiho (female)Cleansing of the RoomClosing Reiho (male)Closing Reiho (female)
Chapter IV - Swords
Three Swords to Learn ByMajor Parts of the SwordAnatomy of the SwordSword EtiquetteFolding the PaperCleaning the Sword
Chapter V - Iaido Forms
Male Iaido Forms by LevelFemale Iaido Forms by LevelTen-no-kataChi-no-kataJin-no-kataYin-no-kataYan-no-kataNuki-UchiWu-Ken/Sa-KenNinin-GiriChi-no-Kodachi KataTen-no-Kodachi KataKuruma-otoshi
Chapter VI - Batto-Do
Batto-DoBatto-Do and its HistoryLearning Batto-DoBatto-Do Competition EtiquetteHatto-Noto (resheathing exercises)Kumi TachiIppon me - Attack the FrontNihon me - Attack the Right
Chapter VII - Muto Dori Techniques
Muto DoriMuto Dori Techniques
Chapter VIII - Japanese - English Terminology
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