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American Eagle Style Textbook


Welcome to the "American Eagle Style Instructional Textbook, 3rd Edition" by Grandmaster Clifford Crandall, Jr.

This guide is a pivotal resource in martial arts, detailing the techniques, philosophy, and katas of American Eagle Style.



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Welcome to the "American Eagle Style Instructional Textbook, 3rd Edition" by Grandmaster Clifford Crandall, Jr. 

This guide is a pivotal resource in martial arts, detailing the techniques, philosophy, and katas of American Eagle Style.


American Eagle Style Instructional Textbook

3rd Edition

Author: Grandmaster Clifford Crandall, Jr.


In 1996, the American Martial Arts Institute became one of the only schools in the world to document their style in an instructional textbook. The first edition was 293 pages long and covered aspects of both American Eagle Style and some of the procedures of the American Martial Arts Institute school. Hundreds of copies of the first edition went out to students, instructors, and other martial artists around the world. The second edition was released in 2002 and was 324 pages in length, hardcover, and concentrated less on the school that teaches American Eagle Style, instead focusing more on detailed information about the style and its techniques.

In 2012, Grandmaster Crandall completed the 3rd edition of the textbook by elaborating on the style's philosophy, added all required black belt katas (fully documenting 49 katas of the American Eagle Style in total), and adding a variety of other techniques not previously documented. At 424 pages in length, this is one of the world's only fully documented American martial arts styles.

Preface Excerpt

"Before the use of the written word, tradition and truth were dependent on the storytellers and song writers. The true students of any architecture, painting style, master craft or way of life were dependent on the accurate depiction from one student to another down through the generations. This accuracy of passing on knowledge to keep alive some idea, concept or philosophy was greatly enhanced by the accurate writing of books and their accurate duplication for others to read and learn from. This meant that although the only true teacher is a living human being, the information could be found written and learned to some degree of accuracy through the writings and pictures of a style. The responsibility here, which was overlooked many times, is the author's realization of the variety of possible interpretations and understandings of what is written. This instructional textbook reaches for this clarity of instruction through the reader's use of its information..."


Table of Contents


Chapter One Introduction About the Founder of the Style and School The Way or Path The Eyes of a Student in Martial Arts


Chapter Two School Philosophy Instructor Status American Eagle Style History and Facts School Patches Procedure for Tying a Uniform Belt What Does an American Eagle Style Class Include?American Eagle Style Superkick Program American Eagle Style Belts and Ranking


Chapter Three Stretching Making a Proper Fist Traditional Weapons of the Martial Arts Upper Body: Hands, Elbows and Wrist Lower Body: Feet, Knees Head: Front and Back


Chapter Four Stances Ready Stance (Chumbi Stance) Front Stance Back Stance Horse Stance Diagonal Horse Stance Cat Stance Leaning Front Stance Kihondachi Stance (Sanchin Walking) X-Stance Crane Stance

Preparing for Kicking Basic KicksCenter KickReverse Crescent KickCrescent KickSide Kick to the Side Roundhouse Kick Ax Kick Spinning Back Kick Spinning Wheel Kick Spinning Hook Kick Hook Kick Basic Moving Kicks

Basic Forms Preparing for Basic Forms


Chapter Five Striking Points One-Step-Sparring (Ippon Kumites) Ippon Kumite #1 Ippon Kumite #2 Ippon Kumite #3 Ippon Kumite #4 Ippon Kumite #5 Ippon Kumite #6 Ippon Kumite #7 Ippon Kumite #8 Ippon Kumite #9 Ippon Kumite #10

Hanza Escape Techniques Hanza Escape Technique 1 Hanza Escape Technique 2 Hanza Escape Technique 3 Hanza Escape Technique 4 Hanza Escape Technique 5 Circular Self-Defense Sparring


Chapter Six

American Eagle Style Self-Defense SD-1: Counter to a Sleeve Grab Double Lapel Grab SD-2: Counter to a Straight Across Wrist Grab

Women’s Self-Defense in the American Eagle Style Circular-Arm Break Away Straight Across Wrist Grab Another Technique for a Straight Across Wrist Grab Coat-Grab Break Away Breaking Free from a Throat Grab A Grab or Arm Reach to Pull You In Grab From Behind in a Rear Choke Defense from the Ground Come Along Techniques Single Arm Low Come Along Single Arm High Come Along Cobra Come Along Bent Wing Come Along Neck Collar Come Along Seated Self-Defense

Take Downs Plus Counters Against a Knife and Gun

Take Downs Double Wrist Grab Straight Wrist Grab Cross Wrist Grab Right Lunge Punch Right Center Kick to the Solar Plexus

Knife Techniques High Knife Attack Low Knife Attack Knife Attack from the Rear Gun Techniques Gun From Behind A Straight On Gun Attack Gun Attack from the Front with the Gun Sideways Extension Tools


Chapter Seven


Basic Kata 1

Basic Kata 2Basic Kata 3

Introduction to the Pal-Gwes Pal-Gwe 1 Pal-Gwe 2 Pal-Gwe 3 Pal-Gwe 4 Pal-Gwe 5 Pal-Gwe 6 Pal-Gwe 7 Pal-Gwe 8


BLACK BELT EMPTY HAND FORMS Old Koryo Chulgi 1 Eye of the Eagle New Koryo Chulgi 2 Geumgang Chip Su Heian 1 Chulgi 3 Chip Jang Taebaek Bassai Dai Heian 2 American Eagle Long Hand Continuity Two Pyongwon Heian 3 Aoyanagi Hansoo Hookiyu 1 Sil Lum Heian 4 Simplicity Cheon Kwon Gekisai 1 Sipjin Heian 5 Bassai Sho So San Hyung Arena Se Jong Hyung Hwa-Rang Hyung Open Hand Tong Il Hyung Gauntlet Wind Unity


Chapter Eight

American Eagle Style World Involvement China-America International Martial Arts Team International Tournament, St. Petersburg, Russia American-Japanese Goodwill Tour 2002 American-Australian Cultural Exchange 2005 American-Italian Goodwill Tour 2008 Martial Arts Today TV Show Action Martial Arts Magazine Takenouchi-Hangan-Ryu-Matsuno-Crandall Iaido Style


Chapter Nine

Learn More About American Eagle Style

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