Superkick Workbook
Introducing the American Martial Arts Institute's American Eagle Style Superkick Workbook, a comprehensive 122-page guide designed for young martial artists aged 3 to 5. This engaging workbook promotes early learning through fun activities and foundational techniques.
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The American Martial Arts Institute American Eagle Style Superkick Workbook is a 122-page informational guide for students and parents. The book has five chapters. The Superkick program is the American Eagle Style at its most fundamental, taught by certified instructors for 3, 4, and 5 year old girls and boys. The program and information in the book will help prepare children for the public education system and enable them to perform basic martial arts techniques. The book includes puzzles, mazes, coloring pages, and question and answer sections that relate to the material that is presented.
The book also contains information for students of the American Martial Arts Institute of all ages and ranks including background information about Grandmaster Crandall, the school's uniforms, patches, belts, titles, master status, and the difference between master in the style and master of the style, the school philosophy, basic factual information, how to tie the belt, basics, and much more. It is required for students below the age of 13 to test for orange and yellow belt, and it is required for students over the age of 13 to test for black belt, though they are encouraged to get this important resource at any rank. Note: students who are 13 or older are required to get the book Be Safe Physically and Mentally with the Crandall System to test for yellow belt. See your instructor if you have questions.
Chapter One: Parental or Guardian Information
American Eagle Style History
Superkick Program Description
Objectives (Goals) for the Superkick Program
Methods and Means to Achieve Objectives (Tasks)
Uniforms, Belts, and Instructors
Some Common Questions
Chapter Two: Student Knowledge and Information
How to Tie My Belt
How to Make a Proper Fist
Stretching Procedures
Horse Stance Center Punch
Basic Kicks
Basic Forms
Pal-Gwe One (First 5 moves)
Pal-Gwe One (next 3 moves to top of "I" pattern)
Instructor's Comment Sheet
Self-Defense Techniques
Questions of Students about our School and Style
Chapter Three: Student Physical Skills and Information
Ten Tips of Tots
Points of Information for Parents
Who are Strangers
Who are identified as Helpers
Freeing yourself up from a Grab
Chapter Four: Growth in Future ProgramSuperkick Plus StudentsSuperkick Plus Goal Sheet and Requirements ExplainedTransitioning to Regular Children's Classes--What to expect
Chapter Five: Other Resources Available
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